
What the papers say

News on the campus elections:

Varsity student polls prove a damp affair. -The Star

Campus polls: A tame affair but irregularities abound -malaysiakini

Boycott of polls in five varsities -malaysiakini

Undergrad seeks judicial review -New Straits Times

MPP: Proaspirasi kuasai semua 17 IPTA -Utusan Malaysia

a dinner and prayer break from counting the votes. counting resumed at 8pm. vote counting is carried out in every college. the votes of students staying outside the campus are counted in Auditorium Perdanasiswa (pic).

college students lining up to vote in Second College. rumours circulated among the freshies that they will be kicked out of college in the second semester if they do not vote accordingly (i.e. for Aspirasi candidates). such veiled 'threats' are also circulated in other colleges.


Local varsity student council elections not ready to be monitored?

Complaints over campus polls KUALA LUMPUR, Wed.

Suhakam has received complaints that student-body elections carried out on campuses across the country are not being conducted fairly, Suhakam commissioner Datuk Mohd Hamdan Adnan said today.
The complaints include intimidation and other transgressions.He said there were also complaints of high-handedness by university authorities in the 2005/2006 campus elections."The students are requesting the elections be organised by an independent committee in a fair and just manner," Hamdan added.He cited several charges listed by the students against the officials in University Malaya, UiTM and Universiti Utara Malaysia.Hamdan said that Suhakam had held discussions with all the deputy vice-chancellors of public universities last month."All they said was that the issue would be brought to their respective vice-chancellors’ attention because they were the ones with the proper authority to make decisions regarding this matter," he said.On Sept 13, Suhakam also requested permission from 17 universities and colleges to monitor the process of their campus elections. To date, only five universities have replied, referring Suhakam to the Higher Education Ministry for permission.The ministry had yet to provide an official reply to Suhakam, Hamdan said.
(As reported in NST on the 29th of September)

Forced to vote

News on local campuses elections

Does this picture look familiar? Hehe... MALVU expressing their concern on local campuses elections. More info here.

USM VC - Elections in other campuses below standards!
"We want to maintain a clean sheet as reported by the Human Rights Commission (SUHAKAM) last year that the elections at USM were above board compared to other universities," he (USM VC Zulkifli) said...

Read more here.


Leaflet from Abang Conteng

This leaflet was found in the campus and the author of this leaflet is Abang Conteng.

We don't know who is Abang Conteng

But according to Abang Conteng, he stated that GAGASAN says that the campus fees are raised so he invstigated whether it is true or not. Eventually Abang Conteng found out that it is because this semester is longer than the previous semester so students are required to pay more.

In the last 2 paraghraph, Abg Conteng said:

...Kerajaan kita dah membiayai setiap daripada kita ni. ASPIRASI atau MGMUM yang ada ni menyokong kerajaan di bawah pimpinan Pak Lah sepenuhya! Bukan macam Gagasan yang buat fitnah merata-rata.

Abang Conteng percaya MGMUM atpu ASPIRASI mampu untuk menjadi platform yang terbaik kat UM untuk mewakili kita semua sebagi mahasiswa berintelektual.


(Look at the first picture)

Atmosphere in Faculty of Arts and Social Science

Pictures are taken from Arts Faculty, UM

Candidates are busy drawing votes. One can easily see them around dataran sastera and in the cafeteria. Highlighted posters are everywhere.

Boycott in five varsities : Indictment against unfair campus elections

As we all know, 3lang has received news that the anti-establishment faction from five local varsities, UIA, UPM, UTM, USM and UPSI decided to boycott this year's campus elections by refusing to put up any candidates during the nomination day. More info here.

Also, a politician's denial of interfering with local campus polls here.


Ten Unopposed Seats

Menang tanpa bertanding (two seats for each faculty):

-Pusat Sukan
-Pusat Kebudayaan
-Sains Komputer dan Teknologi Maklumat


Notis Pemilihan Majlis Perwakilan Mahasiswa Sesi 2005/2006

This notice was issued on 22 September 2005 (see top right hand corner).
Nomination day is on 26 September.
Elections will be on 29 September.
All this within one week.

Sufficient notice?


Assertions from SMM on 21st Sept 2005

Solidariti Mahasiswa Malaysia (SMM) had submitted a memorandum to the parliament for a free and fair campus election and there are 6 assertions that they have made in the memorandum.

They are basically asking for the candidates to have more time to draw votes, to insist upon HEP to stop threathening students to vote which particular candidates, to abolish electronic votings and serial numbers voting forms, to allow observer outside campus, e.g SUHAKAM to monitor the process of the campus election, and the Deputy Vice Chancellor of Students Affair shouldn't be involve in the Urusetia Pilihanraya.


'I don't know,i don't know,i don't know'

[3lang has been noted dat some ppl have been misled by this article thinking dat the nomination for UM campus election was on the 19th Sep. We want to clarify here dat the nomination date on the 19th was a rumour. HEP has yet to put up any specific dates for nomination and voting. We apologize for any inconveniences caused]

Today is the day when every 'wanna be' student representative reporting themself to the authority in charge of the coming student council election.Every one of them no matter which side or background they are from,they are to submit up their nomination form today in order for them to run for the election.All come with great ambitions and dreams hoping to secure a seat in the student council to represent the whole student population in the campus.Is it for a better cause which they hold on to, just to grab some fame for themselves or acting as a puppet for others controlling from behind scenes?We shall wait and see.There are many things which are happening now in campus but one interesting statement by our respectful Minister of Higher Education Dr Shafie Salleh which says 'I don't know,i don't know,i don't know'.It was reported in malaysiakini by Beh Lih Yi on the 17th of September 2005-- [ Higher Education Minister Dr Shafie Salleh has claimed that he has no knowledge of matters related to the upcoming campus elections which has been tainted with allegations of scare tactics and biased rules.] Perhaps he really wasn't briefed on this by his assistant or he is too busy for petty matters like this?Let's wait and observe for more to come.By the way, all the best to all those future candidates which are running for elections!Don't allow yourself to be disqualified by not following the paper instructions.


The Meaning of Democracy

Scene: At a residential college in UM
Actors: The Pengetua, students (in their 3rd, 4th, 5th etc year)

Pengetua: Memandangkan pilihan raya akan datang, kita perlu buat keputusan untuk mengundi dengan baik. Kolej ini sentiasa dipandang sebagai pembangkang. Walaupun kita telah mendapat banyak undi pada tahun lepas untuk universiti, saya berharap tahun ini kita boleh capai 100% undi untuk calon universiti. Jadi undilah untuk universiti yang telah memberi banyak manfaat kepada pelajar semua.

Student: Kalau macam ni, mana ada demokrasi?

Pengetua: Saya beri contoh. Bila hari raya, perayaan besar, bukan? Jalan raya, jalan pun besar. Pilihan raya, mestilah pilih yang besar. Macam inilah baru ada demokrasi.



This poster says that any activities which are not approved by the HEP are prohibited. This notice is mainly for residents staying in colleges especially those who are studying at the Academy of Islamic Studies (API).

Contents :


Buletin (We love UM)

Our team found this Buletin UM with the line WE LOVE UM on top.

From the comic... refer to the first picture

(1st part from the first picture)
(Sebagai pemimpim mahasiswa)
Sebagai pemimpim kita perlu ada ciri-ciri pemimpim yang baik, penampilan yang berkualiti barulah menjadi role model kepada yang lain. Dan apa yang penting adalah kita perlu mencorakkan kepimpinan mahasiswa yang cemerlang, gemilang dan terbilang.

(2nd part from the first picture)
(Tapi jika di luar)
Inikah pemimpim mahasiswa??? Role Model???

Some comments from students :
(2nd picture)

Mahasiswa adalah aset penting negara dan mereka 'berhak' menetukan agenda masa depan mereka.

Universiti sendiri adalah gudang untuk melahirkan pemimpin-pemimpin pada masa depan. Bakat dan potensi diri diasuh agar mahasiswa tersebut lebih berprestatif dalam kepimpinan. Namun, kemunculan Akta Universiti dan Kolej Universiti (AUKU) pada 1971 telah melesukannya.


Nomination day of campus election

According to reliable sources, nomination of campus election will be at 19 September 2005 and voting day will be a few days after nomination day. Please prepare to fight for a free and fair campus election.

Lim Kit Siang's response - Lightning varsity student polls?


Meddlings in local campus elections!

UMNO's plan to meddle in local campus elections EXPOSED!

Read more about it at http://malvu.org/index.php/articles/2176